
Moderate Mag. 4.3 Earthquake – Northern Molucca Sea on Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025, at 06:59 am (GMT +8)

“)}e.setAttribute(“data-distAdded”,1)}}async filterEQ(e){if(document,this.magFilter=e,this.currMag){var s=Math.max(e,this.currMag.getAttribute(“data-baseVal”));if(this.currMag.innerText=s.toString(),this.magFilterBtns){let a=this.magFilterBtns.getElementsByClassName(“magFilter”);for(i=0;isetTimeout(e,1e3))),e!=this.distFilter){if(this.distFilter=e,this.currDistInfoKm&&(this.currDistInfoKm.innerText=e),this.currDistInfoMi&&(this.currDistInfoMi.innerText=Math.round(.62137*e)),e>this.currentMaxDist)return this.loadNewQuakes(500);this.applyFilters()}}async filterByAge(e){if(this.ageFilter=e,this.ageFilterBtns){let s=this.ageFilterBtns.getElementsByClassName(“ageFilter”);for(var a=0;a0&&(e.getAttribute(“data-mag”)&&parseFloat(e.getAttribute(“data-mag”))3&&e.getAttribute(“data-mag”)&&parseInt(e.getAttribute(“data-ea”))>0))return!1;if(this.ageFilter>0){if(this.referenceTime){if(e.getAttribute(“data-time”)&&this.referenceTime-parseInt(e.getAttribute(“data-time”))>this.ageFilter)return!1}else if(e.getAttribute(“data-time”)&&s-parseInt(e.getAttribute(“data-time”))>this.ageFilter)return!1}if(this.statusFilter&&e.getAttribute(“data-ea”)&&parseInt(e.getAttribute(“data-ea”))>0)return!1;if(this.distFilter>0){if(e.getAttribute(“data-dist”)&&parseFloat(e.getAttribute(“data-dist”))>this.distFilter)return!1;if(500==this.distFilter&&e.getAttribute(“data-dist”)&&e.getAttribute(“data-mag”)){let a=parseFloat(e.getAttribute(“data-mag”)),l=parseFloat(e.getAttribute(“data-dist”));if(a<2&&l>25||a<3&&l>50||a<4&&l>100||a<5&&l>200||a<6&&l>250||a<7&&l>300||l>500)return!1}}return!(“time”!=this.sortBy&&e.classList.contains(“tSpc”))}async applyFilters(e){var e=e||0;e||!this.loadMoreUrl||this.hasLoadedAll||(this.loadMoreRows(),await new Promise(e=>setTimeout(e,500)));let s=document,a=this.table.rows,l=0,r=Math.floor(Date.now()/1e3);for(let n=1;nsetTimeout(e,20)))}}let h=a.getElementsByClassName(“aStr”);nowUTC=Math.floor(Date.now()/1e3);for(let u=0;u“+writeRelAge(g,this.referenceTime)+”

“)}}async sortTable(e){if(this.isSorting)return;this.isSorting=1,this.table.rows(0).style.opacity=.5,(“mag”==e||”dep”==e)&&this.isMainTable&&!this.hasLoadedAll&&”function”==typeof loadMoreRows&&(this.hasLoadedAll=1,this.isSorting=0,this.loadMoreRows(),await new Promise(e=>setTimeout(e,1e3))),await new Promise(e=>setTimeout(e,200));let s=this.table,a=Array.from(s.querySelectorAll(“:scope > tbody > tr”));a.shift();let l=”desc”,r=e==this.sortBy;for(let n of(r&&”desc”==this.sortDir&&(l=”asc”),this.sortBy=e,this.sortDir=l,a.sort((s,a)=>{if(“time”==e){let r=parseInt(s.getAttribute(“data-time”)),n=parseInt(a.getAttribute(“data-time”));return”asc”==l?r-n:n-r}if(“dep”==e){let o=parseInt(s.getAttribute(“data-dep”)),d=parseInt(a.getAttribute(“data-dep”));return”asc”==l?o-d:d-o}let h=parseFloat(s.getAttribute(“data-mag”));isNaN(h)&&(h=0);let u=parseFloat(a.getAttribute(“data-mag”));return isNaN(u)&&(u=0),”asc”==l?h-u:u-h}),a))(“tSpc”==n.className||1==n.getAttribute(“data-ea”))&&(“time”==e?n.style.display=””:n.style.display=”none”),s.tBodies(0).appendChild(n);this.table.rows(0).style.opacity=1,this.isSorting=0,this.applyFilters()}async changeCircleSize(e){let s=this.map;s.circleScale*=e;for(let a=0;atimeAtCurRow?posFound=1:(elToInsertAfter=rows(curRowInd),curRowInd++)}else posFound=1;markThem&&(newTableRow.classList.add(“newQuake”),setTimeout(function(){removeMarking(newTableRow)},8e3)),elToInsertAfter.parentNode.insertBefore(newTableRow,elToInsertAfter.nextSibling),elToInsertAfter=rows(curRowInd),curRowInd++,newRows++,”undefined”!=typeof addQuakeToMap?eval(quake.js):setTimeout(function(){eval(quake.js)},100)}return newRows+updated>0&&(this.alternateBg(),”time”==this.sortBy&&”asc”==this.sortDir&&this.sortTable(“time”)),(newRows,updated)}assignMap(e){this.map=e}}

shakemap legend
Updated: Mar 11, 2025 23:48 GMT refresh

I felt this quake

Mag. 4.3 earthquake - Northern Molucca Sea on Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025, at 06:59 am (GMT +8)
Mag. 4.3 earthquake - Northern Molucca Sea on Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025, at 06:59 am (GMT +8)
Hint: Click on the image to see different maps of this quake!

50 minutes ago

Mar 11, 2025 22:59 GMT / Mar 12, 2025 06:59 am (GMT +8)

Lat / Lng: 0.56 / 125.3: Northern Molucca Sea

Source: BMKG

Other sources: EMSC: 4.3 / 10 km, USGS: 4.2 / 35 km, 1 more…”;storedMarkers.push((‘quake-21547024′,0.56000,125.30000,’50 minutes ago: Mag. 4.3, Northern Molucca Sea’,html,’quakes-6-24.png’,25,25,12,12,125));
function mkRep(id,notFelt){var nFelt=notFelt||false;var src=”https://www.volcanoesandearthquakes.com/app/earthquake-report.php?quakeId=”+id;if(nFelt==true){src+=”&notFelt=true”;}window.open(src,””,”status=0,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,height=400,width=350″);}
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(show map)

(smaller) (bigger)

Nearby places

The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Bitung, a city with more than 230,000 inhabitants in Indonesia, in 100 km (62 mi) distance north of the epicenter. People likely experienced very weak shaking there. Several smaller towns and villages are located closer to the epicenter and might have experienced stronger shaking.
The following table shows some of the places that might have been affected (or not) by the shaking.

Distancemap icon72 Show on map Place Max. shaking intensity(*) Region Country
93 km (58 mi)NW of epicenter

Tondano(pop: 33,300)

II: Very weak

Kabupaten Minahasa, North Sulawesi
100 km (62 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 225,100)

II: Very weak

North Sulawesi
101 km (62 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 137,400)

II: Very weak

North Sulawesi
101 km (63 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 27,600)

II: Very weak

North Sulawesi
109 km (68 mi)

N of epicenter

Laikit, Laikit II (Dimembe)

(pop: 8,000)

II: Very weak

Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, North Sulawesi
114 km (71 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 451,900)

II: Very weak

North Sulawesi
233 km (145 mi)

E of epicenter


(pop: 101,700)

II: Very weak

North Maluku
249 km (155 mi)

W of epicenter


(pop: 144,200)

II: Very weak

252 km (157 mi)

E of epicenter


(pop: 36,200)

II: Very weak

North Maluku
326 km (203 mi)

SW of epicenter


(pop: 47,800)

I: Not felt

Kabupaten Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah
328 km (204 mi)

NE of epicenter


(pop: 10,000)

I: Not felt

North Maluku

(*) Shaking intensity according to the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (MMI) and estimated using seismic models.

User-reports for this quake

Mag. 4.3 earthquake - Northern Molucca Sea on Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025, at 06:59 am (GMT +8)

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Compare Quake Data

Data for the same earthquake as reported by different agencies

The more agencies report about the same quake and post similar data, the more confidence you can have in the data. It takes normally up to a few hours until earthquake parameters are calculated with near-optimum precision.

Mag Depth Time GMT


Epicenter Agency
4.3 10 km

6.2 mi


22:59:03 Northern Molucca Sea BMKG (Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency of Indonesia)
4.3 10 km

6.2 mi


22:59:03 MOLUCCA SEA

4 km (2.5 mi) epicenter difference with BMKG

EMSC (European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre)

± 0.17

35 km

22 mi

±2 km

22:59:03.835 95 km SSE of Tondano, Indonesia

3 km (1.8 mi) epicenter difference with BMKG

Epicenter uncertainty: ± 8.1 km

USGS (United States Geological Survey)
4.2 35 km

22 mi

22:59:03 northern molucca sea

3 km (1.8 mi) epicenter difference with BMKG

IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology)

(*) A depth given as 10 km often means that the the depth of the quake could be not determined with sufficient accuracy.

HTMLcontent += “


mainMap.addToMap(“station”+id, lat, lon, title,HTMLcontent);


Seismic station Davao, Philippines: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.2-5.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool

Show more

Show less

Seismic station Davao, Philippines: horizontal (E-W) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station Davao, Philippines: horizontal (N-S) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station: Kappang, Sulawesi, Indonesia (KAPI/II network) | Distance from quake: 874 km / 543 mi | Show on map | Station Info
Seismic station Kappang, Sulawesi, Indonesia: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.2-5.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool
Seismic station Kappang, Sulawesi, Indonesia: horizontal (E-W) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station Kappang, Sulawesi, Indonesia: horizontal (N-S) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station: Kota Kinabalu (KKM/MY network) | Distance from quake: 1178 km / 732 mi | Show on map | Station Info
Seismic station Kota Kinabalu: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.2-5.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool
Seismic station Kota Kinabalu: horizontal (E-W) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station Kota Kinabalu: horizontal (N-S) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)

Aftershocks for this quake

No aftershocks have been recorded so far. When aftershocks are detected, we will update this section.

Recorded aftershocks, latest first (0 quake)

Mar 12, 2025 06:59 am (GMT +8)
50 minutes ago


10 km

0 km – This quake Northern Molucca Sea

Main Shock (this quake)


Map of aftershocks

Previous quakes in the same area of this earthquake

The earthquake occurred 3 days after a magnitude 4.7 earthquake had hit on Sunday, Mar 9, 2025, at 04:02 am (GMT +8 local time) in 49 km (31 mi) distance to the west:
The largest quake near the epicenter of this quake during the 10 years before was an event of magnitude 7.0. It had occurred 5 years earlier, on Friday, Nov 15, 2019, at 01:17 am local time (Asia/Jayapura GMT +9) in
North Maluku, id Indonesia Indonesia:
The strongest-ever (since 1900) recorded quake in this area measured magnitude 8.4. It had occurred 120 years ago earlier, on Sunday, Jan 22, 1905, at 10:43 am local time (Asia/Makassar GMT +8) in Gorontalo, id Indonesia Indonesia:

Below is a list and map of (larger or recent) quakes that had occurred near the area of the epicenter before this earthquake (within up to 100 km/61 mi distance, up to 300 km/183 mi for very large quakes above mag. 7). Filter the list to limit the number to show, by magnitude or time before.

Max results10


Time before
48 hours
1 week
30 days
1 year
5 years
30 years
Any age

Date and Timesort Mag
Distance Location Details Map
Mar 12, 12:40 am (GMT +8)


10 km

52 km (33 mi) to the W id Indonesia Indonesia: Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi  I FELT IT Info
Mar 9, 04:02 am (GMT +8)


10 km

49 km (31 mi) to the W id Indonesia Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi  I FELT IT Info
Mar 3, 12:07 am (GMT +8)


10 km

48 km (30 mi) to the W id Indonesia Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi Info
Feb 28, 03:30 am (GMT +8)


10 km

53 km (33 mi) to the SW id Indonesia Maluku Sea, 125 km south of Manado, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia 1 report Info
Feb 27, 04:13 pm (GMT +8)


10 km

47 km (29 mi) to the W id Indonesia Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi Info
Feb 27, 10:33 am (GMT +8)


10 km

41 km (25 mi) to the W id Indonesia Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi Info
Feb 27, 09:08 am (GMT +8)


20 km

45 km (28 mi) to the SW id Indonesia Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi Info
Feb 27, 01:48 am (GMT +8)


10 km

55 km (34 mi) to the W id Indonesia Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi Info
Feb 26, 06:55 am (GMT +8)


28 km

55 km (34 mi) to the SW id Indonesia Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi 19 reports Info
Mar 14, 2024 03:56 am (Jayapura)


10 km

86 km (53 mi) to the S id Indonesia Southern Molucca Sea 4 reports Info
Aug 4, 2023 07:48 pm (Makassar)


10 km

91 km (56 mi) to the S id Indonesia Indonesia: Di Laut 117 Km Tenggara Bolaang Mongondo Timur 8 reports Info
Nov 15, 2019 01:17 am (Jayapura)


27 km

165 km (103 mi) to the NE id Indonesia Northern Molucca Sea 95 reports Info
Jul 8, 2019 12:08 am (Jayapura)


29 km

95 km (59 mi) to the E id Indonesia Northern Molucca Sea 48 reports Info
Sep 10, 2014 02:19 pm (GMT +9)


63 km

93 km (58 mi) to the S id Indonesia Southern Molucca Sea Info
Sep 10, 2014 11:46 am (GMT +9)


54 km

85 km (53 mi) to the S id Indonesia Southern Molucca Sea 1 report Info
Apr 5, 2010 07:05 pm (GMT +9)


25 km

89 km (55 mi) to the S id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Jul 2, 2009 06:10 am (Jayapura)


37 km

92 km (57 mi) to the NE id Indonesia 120 km ESE of Laikit, Laikit II (Dimembe), Indonesia Info
Feb 10, 2008 03:34 am (GMT +9)


38 km

92 km (57 mi) to the S id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Jan 21, 2007 08:27 pm (Jayapura)


22 km

123 km (76 mi) to the NE id Indonesia 126 km WNW of Ternate, Indonesia Info
Aug 31, 2006 05:08 pm (GMT +9)


36 km

96 km (59 mi) to the S id Indonesia 174 km S of Tondano, Indonesia Info
Dec 21, 2005 03:09 pm (Makassar)


25 km

99 km (61 mi) to the SW id Indonesia 153 km S of Tomohon, Indonesia Info
Jul 19, 2005 03:37 am (Makassar)


19 km

82 km (51 mi) to the S id Indonesia 163 km S of Tondano, Indonesia Info
Jul 1, 2004 07:37 am (Makassar)


91 km

69 km (43 mi) to the W id Indonesia 58 km S of Tomohon, Indonesia Info
Oct 19, 2003 07:27 am (GMT +9)


33 km

90 km (56 mi) to the E id Indonesia 147 km WSW of Ternate, Indonesia Info
Oct 14, 2001 01:27 am (Jayapura)


33 km

82 km (51 mi) to the NE id Indonesia 129 km ESE of Tondano, Indonesia Info
Feb 24, 2001 04:23 pm (Jayapura)


35 km

132 km (82 mi) to the NE id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
May 4, 2000 12:21 pm (Makassar)


26 km

267 km (166 mi) to the SW id Indonesia 89 km E of Luwuk, Indonesia Info
Nov 29, 1998 11:10 pm (Jayapura)


33 km

296 km (184 mi) to the S id Indonesia Banda Sea, North Maluku, 114 km east of Pulau Mbuangmbuang Island, Indonesia Info
Oct 29, 1998 01:25 am (GMT +9)


33 km

80 km (50 mi) to the NE id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Aug 28, 1998 08:40 pm (GMT +8)


66 km

85 km (53 mi) to the S id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Jan 21, 1994 11:24 am (Jayapura)


20 km

275 km (171 mi) to the E id Indonesia Halmahera, Indonesia Info
Dec 9, 1993 08:38 pm (GMT +9)


16 km

67 km (42 mi) to the E id Indonesia Molucca Sea Info
Dec 9, 1993 01:32 pm (GMT +9)


15 km

78 km (48 mi) to the E id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Jun 20, 1991 01:18 pm (Makassar)


31 km

288 km (179 mi) to the W id Indonesia 79 km NNW of Gorontalo, Indonesia Info
May 19, 1991 08:58 am (Makassar)


33 km

269 km (167 mi) to the W id Indonesia Minahasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia Info
Aug 26, 1990 12:47 am (GMT +9)


11 km

87 km (54 mi) to the E id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Apr 18, 1990 09:39 pm (Makassar)


26 km

280 km (174 mi) to the W id Indonesia 75 km NNW of Gorontalo, Indonesia Info
Feb 10, 1989 08:15 pm (GMT +9)


44 km

253 km (157 mi) to the NE id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Nov 27, 1987 08:02 am (Makassar)


33 km

92 km (57 mi) to the S id Indonesia 171 km S of Tondano, Indonesia Info
Feb 13, 1987 04:18 pm (Jayapura)


32 km

97 km (60 mi) to the E id Indonesia 136 km W of Ternate, Indonesia Info
Aug 15, 1986 04:39 am (GMT +9)


33 km

193 km (120 mi) to the NE id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Apr 13, 1985 12:00 pm (GMT +9)


51 km

171 km (106 mi) to the NE id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Oct 22, 1979 02:58 pm (GMT +9)


33 km

70 km (44 mi) to the E id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
May 19, 1979 08:22 am (Jayapura)


33 km

79 km (49 mi) to the E id Indonesia 140 km ESE of Tondano, Indonesia Info
May 14, 1975 06:18 am (Jayapura)


36 km

98 km (61 mi) to the NE id Indonesia 131 km ESE of Laikit, Laikit II (Dimembe), Indonesia Info
Aug 10, 1968 11:07 am (GMT +9)


23 km

148 km (92 mi) to the NE id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Mar 28, 1961 05:36 pm (GMT +8)


145 km

179 km (111 mi) to the W id Indonesia Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi Info
Jun 12, 1947 09:02 am (Universal Time)


15 km

109 km (68 mi) to the NE id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
May 28, 1942 09:01 am (Makassar)


0 km

157 km (98 mi) to the SW id Indonesia Indonesia: Minahassa Peninsula Info
Nov 8, 1941 11:37 pm (Universal Time)


35 km

275 km (171 mi) to the W id Indonesia Minahasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia Info
Dec 21, 1939 09:00 pm (Universal Time)


150 km

286 km (178 mi) to the W id Indonesia Sulawesi, Indonesia Info
Oct 10, 1938 08:48 pm (Universal Time)


15 km

245 km (152 mi) to the NE id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
May 14, 1932 01:11 pm (Universal Time)


15 km

68 km (42 mi) to the E id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Jul 10, 1926 10:51 am (Universal Time)


15 km

82 km (51 mi) to the E id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Jun 3, 1925 04:33 am (Universal Time)


15 km

101 km (63 mi) to the NE id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
May 3, 1925 05:21 pm (Universal Time)


15 km

134 km (83 mi) to the NE id Indonesia Molucca Sea (Indonesia) Info
Dec 5, 1924 09:36 am (Universal Time)


200 km

78 km (49 mi) to the E id Indonesia Northern Molucca Sea Info
May 5, 1908 06:17 am (Universal Time)


35 km

21 km (13 mi) to the E id Indonesia Maluku Sea, 129 km southeast of Manado, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia Info
Jun 26, 1907 02:54 am (Jayapura)


0 km

195 km (121 mi) to the E id Indonesia Indonesia: Djailolo Gilolo Info
Jan 22, 1905 10:43 am (Makassar)


0 km

260 km (162 mi) to the W id Indonesia Indonesia: Minahassa Peninsula Info

Map of earlier quakes in the area of this quake

Max results10


Time before
48 hours
1 week
30 days
1 year
5 years
30 years
Any age

Oldest quakes are shown in yellow, most recent in red.
(quakes –) (quakes +) (smaller) (bigger)

50 minutes ago

Mar 11, 2025 22:59 GMT / Mar 12, 2025 06:59 am (GMT +8)

Lat / Lng: 0.56 / 125.3: Northern Molucca Sea

Source: BMKG

Other sources: EMSC: 4.3 / 10 km, USGS: 4.2 / 35 km, 1 more…’,4.3,43, ‘#bb202a’, 0.9,1.5, ‘#bb202a’, 0.27);map2.addToMap(‘thisQuake’,0.56,125.3,’50 minutes ago: Mag. 4.3, Northern Molucca Sea’,’

Earthquake: Mag 4.3 / 10 km (6.2 mi) depth

50 minutes ago

Mar 11, 2025 22:59 GMT / Mar 12, 2025 06:59 am (GMT +8)

Lat / Lng: 0.56 / 125.3: Northern Molucca Sea

Source: BMKG

Other sources: EMSC: 4.3 / 10 km, USGS: 4.2 / 35 km, 1 more…’,’default’);
// this will be local to this table obj
function putQuakeOnMap(id,lat,lon,time,title,html,mag,zIndex) {
qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(8906392);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-8906392′,1,123,-2049398166,’Jan 22, 1905 10:43 am (GMT +8): Mag. 8.4, Indonesia: Minahassa Peninsula’,”,8.4,84);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(8906424);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-8906424′,1,127,-1972965924,’Jun 26, 1907 02:54 am (GMT +9): Mag. 7.9, Indonesia: Djailolo Gilolo’,”,7.9,79);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(8913982);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-8913982′,0.513,125.487,-1945791733,’May 5, 1908 06:17 am (Universal Time): Mag. 7.2, 108 km SE of Tondano, Indonesia’,”,7.2,72);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(11528711);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-11528711′,0.5,126,-1422368615,’Dec 5, 1924 09:36 am (Universal Time): Mag. 6.5, Northern Molucca Sea’,”,6.5,65);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2930635);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2930635′,1.223,126.303,-1409467094,’May 3, 1925 05:21 pm (Universal Time): Mag. 7.1, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,7.1,71);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2930643);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2930643′,1.223,125.917,-1406834767,’Jun 3, 1925 04:33 am (Universal Time): Mag. 6.9, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,6.9,69);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2930719);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2930719′,0.585,126.035,-1372079329,’Jul 10, 1926 10:51 am (Universal Time): Mag. 6.6, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,6.6,66);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2931335);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2931335′,0.386,125.884,-1187606937,’May 14, 1932 01:11 pm (Universal Time): Mag. 7.7, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,7.7,77);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2935918);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2935918′,2.4,126.514,-985403513,’Oct 10, 1938 08:48 pm (Universal Time): Mag. 7.2, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,7.2,72);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2936407);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2936407′,-0.018,122.793,-947645955,’Dec 21, 1939 09:00 pm (Universal Time): Mag. 8.1, Sulawesi, Indonesia’,”,8.1,81);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2937147);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2937147′,0.731,122.835,-888193352,’Nov 8, 1941 11:37 pm (Universal Time): Mag. 7.4, Minahasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia’,”,7.4,74);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(8907027);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-8907027′,0,124,-870908292,’May 28, 1942 09:01 am (GMT +8): Mag. 7.5, Indonesia: Minahassa Peninsula’,”,7.5,75);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2939549);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2939549′,1.153,126.079,-711817052,’Jun 12, 1947 09:02 am (Universal Time): Mag. 7.0, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,7.0,70);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(11487526);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-11487526′,0.08,123.76,-276531835,’Mar 28, 1961 05:36 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 7.4, Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi’,”,7.4,74);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2962684);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2962684′,1.514,126.234,-43969974,’Aug 10, 1968 11:07 am (GMT +9): Mag. 7.6, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,7.6,76);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3029206);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3029206′,1.018,126.056,169247921,’May 14, 1975 06:18 am (GMT +9): Mag. 6.3, 131 km ESE of Laikit, Laikit II (Dimembe), Indonesia’,”,6.3,63);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3041765);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3041765′,0.677,126.005,295917745,’May 19, 1979 08:22 am (GMT +9): Mag. 6.1, 140 km ESE of Tondano, Indonesia’,”,6.1,61);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3043312);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3043312′,0.666,125.921,309419928,’Oct 22, 1979 02:58 pm (GMT +9): Mag. 6.3, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,6.3,63);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3057272);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3057272′,1.622,126.411,482209206,’Apr 13, 1985 12:00 pm (GMT +9): Mag. 7.0, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,7.0,70);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3060623);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3060623′,1.795,126.519,524432353,’Aug 15, 1986 04:39 am (GMT +9): Mag. 7.5, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,7.5,75);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3061911);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3061911′,0.67,126.167,540199109,’Feb 13, 1987 04:18 pm (GMT +9): Mag. 6.8, 136 km W of Ternate, Indonesia’,”,6.8,68);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3064411);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3064411′,-0.234,125.064,564969728,’Nov 27, 1987 08:02 am (GMT +8): Mag. 6.1, 171 km S of Tondano, Indonesia’,”,6.1,61);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3066424);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3066424′,2.305,126.76,603112524,’Feb 10, 1989 08:15 pm (GMT +9): Mag. 7.1, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,7.1,71);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3068547);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3068547′,1.186,122.857,640445959,’Apr 18, 1990 09:39 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 7.8, 75 km NNW of Gorontalo, Indonesia’,”,7.8,78);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3069219);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3069219′,0.525,126.084,651599273,’Aug 26, 1990 12:47 am (GMT +9): Mag. 6.4, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,6.4,64);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3070589);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3070589′,1.156,122.957,674614681,’May 19, 1991 08:58 am (GMT +8): Mag. 7.0, Minahasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia’,”,7.0,70);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3070743);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3070743′,1.196,122.787,677395132,’Jun 20, 1991 01:18 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 7.5, 79 km NNW of Gorontalo, Indonesia’,”,7.5,75);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3075731);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3075731′,0.486,125.995,755411539,’Dec 9, 1993 01:32 pm (GMT +9): Mag. 6.9, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,6.9,69);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3075736);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3075736′,0.425,125.891,755437107,’Dec 9, 1993 08:38 pm (GMT +9): Mag. 6.8, Molucca Sea’,”,6.8,68);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3075918);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3075918′,1.015,127.733,759119069,’Jan 21, 1994 11:24 am (GMT +9): Mag. 7.0, Halmahera, Indonesia’,”,7.0,70);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3089343);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3089343′,-0.154,125.018,904308058,’Aug 28, 1998 08:40 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.1, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,6.1,61);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3089872);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3089872′,0.839,125.966,909591903,’Oct 29, 1998 01:25 am (GMT +9): Mag. 6.6, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,6.6,66);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3090167);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3090167′,-2.071,124.891,912348631,’Nov 29, 1998 11:10 pm (GMT +9): Mag. 7.7, Banda Sea (Indonesia)’,”,7.7,77);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3094725);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3094725′,-1.105,123.573,957414076,’May 4, 2000 12:21 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 7.6, 89 km E of Luwuk, Indonesia’,”,7.6,76);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3098534);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3098534′,1.271,126.249,982999428,’Feb 24, 2001 04:23 pm (GMT +9): Mag. 7.1, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,7.1,71);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3100560);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3100560′,0.839,125.98,1002990420,’Oct 14, 2001 01:27 am (GMT +9): Mag. 6.0, 129 km ESE of Tondano, Indonesia’,”,6.0,60);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3108164);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3108164′,0.444,126.103,1066516033,’Oct 19, 2003 07:27 am (GMT +9): Mag. 6.4, 147 km WSW of Ternate, Indonesia’,”,6.4,64);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3110779);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3110779′,0.797,124.726,1088638645,’Jul 1, 2004 07:37 am (GMT +8): Mag. 6.3, 58 km S of Tomohon, Indonesia’,”,6.3,63);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3140017);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3140017′,-0.157,125.148,1121715439,’Jul 19, 2005 03:37 am (GMT +8): Mag. 5.8, 163 km S of Tondano, Indonesia’,”,5.8,58);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3143810);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3143810′,-0.066,124.672,1135148945,’Dec 21, 2005 03:09 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.3, 153 km S of Tomohon, Indonesia’,”,6.3,63);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3147786);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3147786′,-0.267,125.061,1157011707,’Aug 31, 2006 05:08 pm (GMT +9): Mag. 5.8, 174 km S of Tondano, Indonesia’,”,5.8,58);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3150462);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3150462′,1.065,126.282,1169378865,’Jan 21, 2007 08:27 pm (GMT +9): Mag. 7.5, 126 km WNW of Ternate, Indonesia’,”,7.5,75);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3156910);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3156910′,-0.236,125.084,1202582041,’Feb 10, 2008 03:34 am (GMT +9): Mag. 6.0, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,6.0,60);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3168419);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3168419′,1.052,125.963,1246482644,’Jul 2, 2009 06:10 am (GMT +9): Mag. 5.8, 120 km ESE of Laikit, Laikit II (Dimembe), Indonesia’,”,5.8,58);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3177459);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3177459′,-0.183,125.009,1270461944,’Apr 5, 2010 07:05 pm (GMT +9): Mag. 6.2, Molucca Sea (Indonesia)’,”,6.2,62);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(802256);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-802256′,-0.178,125.09,1410317170,’Sep 10, 2014 11:46 am (GMT +9): Mag. 6.1, Southern Molucca Sea’,”,6.1,61);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(802344);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-802344′,-0.27,125.226,1410326363,’Sep 10, 2014 02:19 pm (GMT +9): Mag. 5.8, Southern Molucca Sea’,”,5.8,58);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2379535);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2379535′,0.542,126.154,1562512120,’Jul 8, 2019 12:08 am (GMT +9): Mag. 6.8, Northern Molucca Sea’,”,6.8,68);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2585579);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2585579′,1.601,126.357,1573748260,’Nov 15, 2019 01:17 am (GMT +9): Mag. 7.0, Northern Molucca Sea’,”,7.0,70);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(7792702);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-7792702′,-0.21,125.03,1691149718,’Aug 4, 2023 07:48 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.0, Indonesia: Di Laut 117 Km Tenggara Bolaang Mongondo Timur’,”,6.0,60);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(8904798);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-8904798′,-0.21,125.24,1710356174,’Mar 14, 2024 03:56 am (GMT +9): Mag. 6.2, Southern Molucca Sea’,”,6.2,62);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21391988);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21391988′,0.31644,124.87153,1740524148,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 6.1, Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi’,”,6.1,61);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21394835);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21394835′,0.45,124.82,1740592110,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 4.3, Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi’,”,4.3,43);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21395924);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21395924′,0.4,124.93,1740618537,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 4.8, Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi’,”,4.8,48);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21396145);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21396145′,0.49,124.94,1740623631,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 4.3, Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi’,”,4.3,43);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21397425);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21397425′,0.63,124.88,1740644005,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 4.2, Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi’,”,4.2,42);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21506797);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21506797′,0.36,124.87,1740684659,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 4.0, Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi’,”,4.0,40);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21514319);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21514319′,0.423,124.8888,1740931664,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 4.6, Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi’,”,4.6,46);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21536783);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21536783′,0.45,124.87,1741464125,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 4.7, Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi’,”,4.7,47);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21546226);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21546226′,0.58,124.83,1741711255,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 4.1, Indonesia: Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi’,”,4.1,41);(async function(){await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r,4000));map2.map.setZoom(7)})();



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